


Tuesday, May 14, 2024


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From Idea to Market: Essentials of Dental Product Development.

COURSE FEE:  Complimentary Access

CREDITS: This continuing education activity is designated for 1 credit

DURATION: 1 hour CE webinar followed by 30 minute promotional webinar by WB Engineering (not required for CE Credit per AGD PACE)


CE SUPPORTER: WB Engineering

MODE: Electronically Mediated | Live Interactive Webinar

SPEAKER:  Werner Blumenthal (Bio below)

AUDIENCE: Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Therapists, Dental Assistants

TECHNOLOGY REQUIRED:  Mobile device, laptop or desktop with internet connection | Google Chrome Browser

INSTRUCTIONS:  Dental CE Academy hosts all webinars using the ClickMeeting platform. Upon registration you are

sent a confirmation email from no-reply@clickeeting.com with a link to join. Be sure to check your spam/junk/promotions folders. We recommend logging in 15 minutes early in the event you require assistance. 

HANDOUTS:  Distributed via email to all attendees 1 hour prior to start, during and after the webinar. 

QUIZ FOR CE CREDIT VERIFICATION: At the conclusion of the webinar, attendees will be redirected to complete a quiz for CE credit. An 80% minimum passing score is required, multiple attempts are permitted, and attendees have 7 days to successfully complete the quiz for CE credit.

DESCRIPTION: Do you have an innovative idea that you would like to take to market? This Continuing Education webinar will help you understand what it takes to bring an idea to a viable dental product. Navigate the journey of Dental Innovation. Join Werner Blumenthal as he delves into the intricate process of transforming concepts into market ready solutions.


  • Understand the steps you will need to navigate when developing a dental product

  • Focus on what is important and reduce time and money needed for development

  • Learn how and when to protect your idea

  • Stack the odds in your favor, learn what is needed to get funding

CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: This course is supported by WB Engineering. The speaker, Werner Blumenthal declares a financial affiliation with WB Engineering. For written documentation contact support@dentalcenow.com.

Werner Blumenthal

Werner Blumenthal. CEO. Biomedical Engineer. Helping Push Innovative Products to Market

During my 15 year career I have been responsible for the successful development and launch of dozens of medical devices, and almost 100 consumer products ranging from toys to surgical devices.
As a biomedical engineer with well over a decade of experience in product lifecycle management, from R&S to product launch marketing, my experience allows me to navigate the complex process from idea to optimized end product, mass production and product launch, and sales strategies. I have been responsible for the entire product development process, from ideation to launch, and for ensuring that the company's products are aligned with its overall strategy and goals.